About Me

Meet Mohammad: The Fearless Explorer and Master of Laughter!

My Passion

I'm a data scientist with a background in statistical analysis and machine learning. I've had the opportunity to work in diverse industries, including transportation, traffic safety, urban planning, insurance, and telematics data. Ever met someone who not only embraces challenges but greets them with a witty one-liner and a smile? That's Mohammad for you!

I must admit, it's not common for someone to praise themselves, but here goes. We all know that in this world, we tend to be self-interested individuals who enjoy helping each other. With that in mind, I'd like to share my journey from a land far far away to my new home in Canada.My latest challenge is mastering the French language. I'm currently in my second year of learning, and while I study diligently, it takes a lot of effort to make progress.

J'étudie plus, mais il me faut beaucoup d'efforts pour atteindre mes objectifs.

  • Machine learning is not the solution for everything
  • The results can be as good as the training data (Garbage in, Garbage out)
  • Overfitting is inevitable so learn from your pitfalls

My Skills

Programming, Machine learning, Statistical analysis, Data management and manipulation

User Experience

Experience in statistics and working with time series data and tokins

Machine learning

NLP, Descion tree family, Computer Vision, XGboosted, Hypertuning (gird and random search), representative learning

Data Analysis

Data Visualization, Pipeline, Data management, Data manipulation


Discrete chocie, Transport planning, Supply chain, Traffic safety

Technical Skills

Languages Python R HTML5 SQL, NoSQL
Quantitative Research Forcasting Deep Learning NLP Computer Vision
Software Power BI Tableau SAS Arc GIS
Packages matplotlib , Pytorch TensorFlow, Keras Pandas, Numpy Skit-learn, Spark
Cloud DataBricks Azure Snowflake AWS
Python / R - 4 years
NLP - 1 year
LLM - 3 months
SQL / NO SQL - 2 years
Machine Learning - 4 years
Deep Learning - 2 years


Hi 👋 I am working on open-source research projects, including the application of Machine learning in traffic; namely Time-Series forecasting, Natural Language Processing, and Recommendation Systems.

1. Time series Forecasting

This project begins with an in-depth analysis, identifying key patterns in the data. It involves applying specific regression models like ARIMA, Logistics, XGBoosted, CatBoosted, LGBMRegressor, Random Forest (Best F1 score 87%) and deep learning models such as LSTM, followed by a comparative analysis of their performance. The project concludes with actionable insights and predictions about future trends in [specific field/domain], derived from the model results.

View Project 1 on GitHub

2. Graph Neural Networks


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are adept at uncovering hidden patterns in complex network data. This project applied GNNs to [specific case study], demonstrating their effectiveness in interpreting intricate relationships, such as molecular interactions in medicine or social connections in digital platforms. The project highlights GNNs' ability to perceive the broader structure of data, providing insights that are not apparent in isolated data points.

View Project 2 on GitHub

3. Natural Language Model


This project involved text mining using Multinomial Naive Bayes and BERT models. While both models showed high accuracy, BERT excelled with a 93% accuracy rate, outperforming Naive Bayes' 85%. The project entailed fine-tuning Naive Bayes with grid search optimization and leveraging a pre-trained BERT model, optimized for specific parameters. The analysis also delved into BERT's multi-layer multi-headed attention mechanism, offering deeper insights into token relationships and suggesting potential applications in Customer service and review evaluations.

View Project 3 on GitHub

4. Recommendation System


In this project, we're creating a personalized movie recommendation system. We'll explore three types of recommender systems:

1. Demographic Filtering: Offers general recommendations to all users based on movie popularity and genre. It's a broad approach that doesn't account for individual preferences.

2. Content-Based Filtering: Recommends movies similar to ones you've liked before, using details like genre, director, and actors. It's tailored to your specific tastes in movie characteristics.

3. Collaborative Filtering: Suggests movies based on the preferences of users with similar tastes to yours, focusing on shared likes rather than movie content.

Our goal is to make your movie-watching experience more enjoyable and tailored to your personal preferences, without getting bogged down in technical complexities.

View Project 4 on GitHub


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Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Bachelore degree

September 2011 – September 2016 Iran, Civil Engineering

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University of Tehran

Master degree

September 2016 – September 2019 Iran, Transportation and Highway Engineering

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Mana Rayka

Artificial Intelligence Researcher

January 2020 – November 2021, Tehran, Econometrics and machine learning

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University of Montreal

Master of Science

January 2022 – January 2024 Montreal, Canada, Transportation Engineering

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McGill University

Exchange Program

Sepember 2022 – November, 2023 Montreal, Canada, Computer Science

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Data Scientist

March 2022 – Present, Insurance and Finance

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